National Academy of Science Meetings in Woods Hole, Massachusetts
Geographical Sciences (Sept), Ocean Studies Board (Oct.),
Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research or SCOR (Oct.)

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WHOI Marine Biological Laborary building

Lillie Laboratory Building of the WHOI Marine Biological Laboratory, where the SCOR Symposium was held (Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research)

Whimsical sculpture of an octopus in Woods Hole, made of car junkyard parts.

... and one of a crab?

Beautiful Eel Pond in Woods Hole

WHOI's newest and smallest research vessel, the Tioga, in port. The Tioga is used for coastal research

I love spotting and photographing Smart Cars! Here's one in Woods Hole village.

The main campus of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute (WHOI).

WHOI Clark Lab, home of many famous (and soon-to-be-famous) marine geologists and geophysicsts.

Lobby of Clark Lab

Many excellent displays showcasing WHOI's role in oceanographic history and the walkway to Clark Lab South

A nice visit in Clark Lab South with colleague Dan Fornari (director of the WHOI Deep Ocean Exploration Institute) and colleagues, including his trusty security guard, Riley.

One of the ferries leaving Woods Hole for Martha's Vineyard island.

My favorite restaurant in Woods Hole, The Captain Kidd

"Floating building" on other side of Eel Pond, Woods Hole village.