Up toward Iao Needle and A'e Valley where you can see a profile of John F Kennedy in an outcrop of basalt
Looking up the valley
Look for JFK in the center of the photo
Iao Needle parking lot
The famous Iao Needle, looking not as green as it used to.
Down into the Happy Valley part of Wailuku where we lived on Konahea St. when I was in the 2nd grade.
Konahea St. Could not recognize it well enough to find our old house.
St. Anthony High School, where my dad coached basketball
St. Anthony campus
Heading back down Kaahumanu Ave. from Wailuku to Kahului
A Maui Mini!
There are lots of Minis in Hawaii, for good reason!
Puunene Ave. in Kahului, the main street off of which our street was located.
Aiai St., where we lived for nearly 9 years. This is where I grew up.
The park on Aiai St. ...
... and my basketball court (lots of pickup games)
My favorite climbing tree (lots of imaginery adventures).
Up Aiai St. to ...
... 81 E. Aiai St., the house that I essentially grew up in.
The other side of "the park" which didn't have a name back in our day.
View of the West Maui Mountains from the intersection of Aiai and Puunene.
Heading toward the Pali and Lahaiana/Ka'anapali way.
Whaler's Village in Ka'anapali, a favorite weekend destination for me and my mom, as we lived on Maui when it first opened.
Whaler's Village ...