Council Crest climb in Google Earth (excuse the bad digitizing). Council Crest is the highest point in Portland, and was named for the belief that American Indians once met here in council.
End of bike ride on a beautiful July day up to Council Crest Park
Beautiful flowers at entrance to park
Council Crest is at over 1000 feet above sea level and thus on a clear day offers spectacular views, such as this view of Mt. Hood.
Mt. Hood
Mt. Hood
Farther off in the distance from Mt. Hood view.
Lydia enjoys a rest in the shade.
On the absolute clearest days, Washington's Mt. Rainier and Mt. St. Helens can be viewed off in the distance across the Columbia River (camera not powerful enough to capture it today).
Same view from the very top of Council Crest.
Highest viewing area surrounded by roses.
More lovely roses ...
Roses with Lydia
Lydia enjoys the views from the very top of Council Crest.
An especially nice shot of Lydia
According to the Council Crest official web site, the water tower picture here used to be a 77-foot-tall wooden observatory, part of the Council Crest Amusement Park which was torn down in 1941.
Mary's Peak climb in Google Earth. Mary's Peak is the highest peak in Oregon's Coast Range (4097 ft.), and the most prominent peak to the west of Corvallis.
My epic bike ride up to Mary's Peak took place on July 31st (I'm usually not in shape enough to do it until mid-September!). Parker Creek Falls on the way up is one of the nicest places to stop for a breather.
Parker Creek Falls
Lovely wildflowers at Parker Creek Falls.
My bike, George, and some daisies at Parker Creek Falls
My road bike George, after we had reached the summit
Riding in my Batman socks always brings good luck!
Feeling a little more worthy of the argyle now :-).
Beautiful view from Mary's Peak summit parking lot.
Mary's Peak summit parking lot.
After all the times that I had been to Mary's Peak, I had never noticed this WWII memorial plaque.