Fenway Park, home of the Boston Red Sox (and the Green Monster), defending World Series champions of 2007
Fenway Park
Fenway Park, and looking down the side of the Green Monster
Statue of Ted Williams with young fan. This picture taken on the day Red Sox were at home to play the Rangers.
The famous Yawkey Way, at the main gate of Fenway Park. This picture taken on the day Red Sox were at home to play the hated Yankees.
Red Sox World Series banners
Red Sox team store.
Cask-n-Flagon sports bar across from the park.
View of Boston from my hotel room on the 27th floor.
Another view of Boston from hotel
GIS legends Karen Kemp (l) and Aileen Buckley (r) at dinner. My bucket of steamed New England mussels in the foreground!
Christian Science plaza
Christian Science church at edge of plaza, on the way to the Mapparium.
Entrance to the "Mapparium" of the Mary Baker Eddy Library in Boston. Upon entering, you walk on a glass bridge inside a 3-story colored glass globe! It's an amazing experience. The acoustics are incredible too. The Mapparium was completed in 1935 and the globe reflects the names and boundaries of countries at that time.
Photography is not allowed inside the Mapparium, so this is a photo from Eddy Library web site at http://www.marybakereddylibrary.org/exhibits/mapparium.jhtml.
Old South Church on Boylston St., across from finish line of 2008 Boston Marathon.
The old and the new in Boston.
Statue of Wendell Phillips, abolitionist and early champion of civil rights in the late 1800s. Boston Gardens
Boston Common
Boston Common
Old Massachusetts State House. And not only were the Red Sox in town, but the Celtics are in the NBA playoffs, as well as the NHL Bruins!
Map of Boston Common and Freedom Trail
Graveyard where Paul Revere is buried, as well as the parents of Benjamin Franklin.
Skull-and-crossbones tombstone
Grave of John Hancock
A Freedom Trail tour guide
Grave of Paul Revere
Statue of Ben Franklin along Freedom Trail
Old Boston City Hall