GEO 465/565
Review for Midterm Exam
Reminder: The midterm is worth 30% of the final grade for GEO 465 and 20% for GEO 565.
- For students taking the course on campus, NOT via distance education --> 2 parts: Multiple choice on scantron (bring #2 pencil) and short answer
- For students taking the course via distance education ---> 3 kinds of questions: multiple choice, true/false, short answer via Blackboard
- Major concepts moreso than details
- Reviewing the LECTURES is key! Make sure you have all of the Powerpoint files
Optional chapters 1, 3-4, 9, 20 from Longley et al. will help too, lending more in-depth explanation and detail.
- Exam will NOT include:
- "Web Sites of the Week"
- anything from the labs
Major Concepts
Definitions of GIS and GIScience
- - 3 distinguishing characteristics of GIS (systems)
- - definition of GISci (science) - understand that it is more than software
Representations, data model, data structure
Field vs. object data model; Raster vs. vector data structure
Spatial autocorrelation
Mixed pixels
NSDI - framework, clearinghouse, metadata, standards, partnerships
Topology - what it is, "arc-node topology" diagrams
1 "tricky" question on:
- spatial autocorrelation
- TIN (triangulated irregular network, hybrid data structure with raster and vector characteristics)
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