Marine Data Modeling Working Group Meeting
October 4 & 5, 2001
ESRI, Redlands
Draft Agenda
Joe Breman, ESRI
Simon Evans, ESRI
Steve Grise, ESRI
Pat Halpin, Duke
Jason Marshall, NOAA CSC
Eric Treml, Duke
Dawn Wright, OrSt
9:00 am 5 pm
(Person listed will
facilitate discussion and do presentation if required)
(Lunch will be
brought-in and breaks will be agreed upon as needed)
Welcome and
Introductions Steve Grisé
ArcGIS Data Models
Steve Grisé
· Background and overview
· Goals for meeting
Demonstration of a data
model in action Steve Grisé
FGDC Ocean/Coastal Data
Framework Jason Marshall
Thoughts on an Marine
Data Model Template and User Domains Dawn Wright
Thematic Groups Steve
· Definition
· Division of sub-working groups
· First consultation of sub-working groups
Recap of sub-working
9:00 am 4:30 pm
4:30 pm - Tour of ESRI if wanted
(We will break for
Brief recap of yesterday¹s status
Sub working groups
Review of ŒFirst Draft²
of Marine Data Model
Follow-up tasks and
action items with milestone agreements
Pre- Meeting -
Developing a Conceptual Model for ArcGIS Template
From: Steve Grise
To: Jeanne Rebstock
Cc: "'Cindy
Fowler'" <>, "'phalpin'" <>,
Breman <>,
"'Anne Miglarese'" <>,
"'Tony Lavoi'" <>,
"'Dave Stein'" <>, Simon Evans
Subject: RE: Meeting in
Redlands - dates and goals
Date: Mon, 13 Aug 2001
09:56:41 -0700
The main goal of the
meeting will be to provide a high-level concept for the
data model: is it one
data model with major groups for coastal, bathymetry,
SIM, S-57, etc. or is it
a series of related designs? How should we fit
these pieces together
into a common, essential data model? And what should
the name be?
I think I should begin
with introductions and an overview of the ArcGIS Data
Model program, outline
what our goals should be, talk a bit about the
technical details,
provide some ideas about how we can work together as a
design team, talk about
what has to be developed, and discuss typical
schedules. This is
probably about 2 hours.
Then I think it would be
helpful for someone to talk for 30-60 minutes to
describe each of the
candidate models, talk about the content, status, key
design issues, how this
model might fit as a part of a broad ArcGIS Data
Model project.
At this point we can
begin to shape the overall content and scope of the
model. It is important
that we do this because it will guide the detailed
design effort. It is
surprising how many of the details can change over time
but it is rare that the
overall scope of the model will change. If we can
take a first cut at this
at the end of the first day we will have made
significant progress.
On the second day we
could review the discussion from day 1, see if there
are any new ideas for
the conceptual model, and then move into a bit more
detail. Depending on the
size of the group it usually works best if we take
the main thematic groups
of the model and have some breakout sessions for
3-5 people to come up
with an initial list of features/classes for each area
of the model. The groups
can present the content to each other after 1-2
hours of this exercise.
I am a bit vague on the time required because it's
hard to guess how many
people and how many feature classes will be required.
We can work this out at
the meeting and at least get a start on the exercise
so people understand
what is required. You don't need to study uml or
anything before the
meeting. I can take all of this material after the
meeting and assemble a
first cut at the conceptual model.
At this point we would
be ready to wrap things up with a discussion of the
practical steps involved
in developing the model. We could also talk about
the spring meeting, UC
goals, and roles and responsibilities.
Dawn Wright's Notes
ESRI Marine Data
Model Team Meeting
Oct. 4-5 , 2001,
Redlands, CA
Help w/standards -
support some orderly development of procedures for how to do things
contour lines -
attributes go with the line or z value?
- build a model that
works well with ArcGIS (cross-platform, other software sure but wanted to do
something that works well w/ArcGIS)
- so you really need to
use the software to make progress, it's through using the software and working
w/the data that breakthroughs and new ways of doing things come
ArcGIS data models
-facilitate a PROCESS
with the user community - review feedback (2 months of real work and 2 years of
explaining it to people to get it implemented)
- a lot depends of
what's actually happening in the user community
- producers and users of
geographic info. haven't talked to each other, in totally different organizations,
etc. - ESRI has found that this has helped producers and consumers do new
things, prod think more about PUBLISHING their data w/this structure with input
from the users
- 3rd leg is business
partners, people who want to build applications, value added data sets
- build a dB design
template that works well with ArcGIS
- share model on
ArcOnline - ESRI doesn't want to commercially profit from the work of user
- build on
existing standards, not a new standards exercise
Facilitate user community feedback process
How to manage User expectations
Confirm this is not a finished product and wont
address all needs at this stage
Kernel of potential
Bussiness Partner and User review
User Feedback integration
- believers in standards
but they have to come from the user community, not them - just a practical
template to help folks implement the standards
data model levels
reality -->
conceptual model --> logical model --> physical model -->
increases in
abstraction, goes from human-oriented to computer-oriented
trying to model whole is
birds can fly and planes
can fly so they must have a common ancestor, but birds have 2 legs and humans
have 2 legs, so...
hardest part is
developing big boxes, sets of thematic groups - putting content in boxes is
fairly easy
analysis diagram is
conceptual model, UML is logical model (can use same logical model to produce
schema in SQLserver, Oracle, etc.)
Pilot and do work at any
early stage to test at different stages of modeling process - try w/real data
- there is no absolute
answer other than does it work with your data on your hardware platform
- numbers of feature
classes is key- like FGDC model, tons of feature classes with similar
attributes, so it's a good idea to reduce those b/c each feature class is a
separate table - performance issue with software and usability side too - don't
want to have to open a menu and try to choose from a list of 100
data may be same
regardless of how you are using it, for basic science, for conservation, for
education, for applied commercial uses, etc. - so an essential data model is
applicable to all - design a new minivan but don't know families will really
use the van
- when it gets
implemented that's when we find out and can refine
contents of data model
- book, which is a ref.
for the data model w/ sample data sets
- data model reference
will probably be on the web as a pdf
- Modeling Our World
volume 2 by Zeiller may be the way to publish future data model efforts
- interest from ESRI
Press in an ocean data model book like the hydro book
Model Definition
- focus required in each
model - are we doing coasts or oceans or both (hydro does surface water but NOT
groundwater for instance)
- build on people's
experience and understand relationships to different data and related modeling
efforts such as hydro (or parcel model for coastal land development) - don't
try to have the model do absolutely everything
- make it simple -- a
starting point for project teams
Doing a Model with
- different from Arc 7.2
and AV 3
- ArcGIS is built up
from separate components, and rules can be built into the database (e.g.,
"these things can never go on top of these things")
- we're just raising the
bar a bit - object, feature, network feature, they can look at real world entities
first and not have to worry about system components
- data model first,
don't worry about behavior - we don't attempt to model complex behavior
Pat's Question
how to deal w/scale
dependency in an ocean model? - deal w/them separately and get specific and
then try to group together at higher levels - coastline for Chesapeake Bay vs.
entire N. America
Simon - we're also
limited in our 3-D ability to model fluidity of ocean data
how to organize GIS data
so that you turn things on and off at certain space and time scale
time on y axis, space on
x axis
- have to be careful not
to overload UML with infinite modes of representation - UML is good for
documenting design w/purpose
towards final design - it' a notation for design, a blueprint, drawers
in a chest - have to think about final map products and how you are going to do
the analysis
People come w/diff
expectations for a data model -
have to be clear what the focus is, realizing that not all groups will be
represented - but the trick is to find linkages between expectations
**common structure to
publish data which helps others to produce data in that similar approach
Eric - diff w/ocean data
models - others are regulated by industry or legal framework, natural
environment is not straightforward
- first order is to
produce template that can be used with software, 2nd order is to spur
development teams to extend the software
**we have to be specific
about what the model does and does not address
ArcApp discussion - core
capabilities that people need in an area - ArcParcel? ArcOcean? - doesn't make
sense to build 24 different extensions - but take right parts and build it into
core software for everyone - dynamic segmentation is classic example (it's a
transportation functionality but it's there for everyone)
Joe - also use data
model to teach community about advanced capabilities that already exist that
they may not know about
ESRI oOcean
folks really don't have their own division - they are spread among
environmental mgmt., defense. Ocean is not it's own huge division
what the need is, what
we're doing today, what will need to be done tomorrow - we need to outline
objectives and assumptions outright (as with Forestry data model)
1 - thematic groups -
2 - feature classes -
things in the boxes
3 - preliminary, simple
analysis diagrams
Demo by Steve w/S57
data, obj oriented data format for ENC, the "fuel" for ECDIS
relationship between pt.
feature and annotation, for ex., so annotation moves w/feature
shared edit tool -
vertices, nodes edited and moved at same time
what relationships need
to be modeled in DB - most relations are spatial so don't need - thinking about
actually using the inherent spatial rela. and relying on that - explicit
relationships may not add much (like building a road between 2 places where
there is no traffic)
personal geodatabase -
like bunch of shapefiles in one dB along with annotations, feature
national elevation
dataset (60 Gb) - image easily incorporated into ArcMap - Geography Network
lets you have it as a client
real world (measurement,
sensor and survey) v
basic (map) data (base data)
data model/format
data product
- all cycles back to and
ripples through each stage
- we care about
interpretation of data more than anything else
- is it the basic
modeling of how we do measurements or results that we do with measurements.
Pat - add fields to dB
to signify 3- and 4-D even though we are still in 2.5-D (e.g., heat sum for
coral bleaching) (ArcInfo network for larval dispersal over artificial reefs -
needed hydrodynamic model results from Matlab analysis to feed into AI network
-the impedance)
* initially users might
wonder how do we assemble data using the data model and then they might
realize, well, we should manage our data this way, and publish it this way
don't leave out the
- marine mammal
community, oil, defense, submarine cable hard to bring in
- we can tie into a new
historic preservation model, conservation (terrestrial and marine)
opportunity to get
people to provide feedback
Why do the ArcGIS data
model for boundaries, shoreline, bathy?
- so we can evaluate how
good is current content
-extend concept of
shoreline - agreement on
- geodatabase templates
to empower people to look at those guidelines and help them to build their
- organize and structure
in a uniform format to get at it
* framework for putting
in behaviors to take GIS analyses one step further
Pat - one main
overarching model and then app specific sub-modules?
shows structure of marine data types from a scientific information measurement
(Joe: for the first line
under interpolated Surfaces in place of ³gridding of²
³Kriging of²Šor perhaps both?)
second part of this is
"fixed reference" from pp. 1-37 of FGDC Shoreline Standard (w/ ties
to S-57)
will model have an NSDI
focus? GSDI focus? Etc. - need to get a group together of lead representatives
from these group to talk about how different semantic pieces fit together
Jason's general
point: how will the data models interchange? Steve: technically via ArcGIS but
semantic links will be problematic. Need tie-ins, cross-communication
Example, biodiversity
with physical oceanography, the conservation model with the marine model
Pat: Coastal Zone
Management is an application that serves as a perfect example of how multiple
data models might be needed. CZM involves utilities, parcels, transportation,
ocean. And what about scalability of models?
Thematic Groups that we
came up with:
From Jason's
presentation ...
- Atmospheric conditions
- Marine boundaries*
- Hydrographic features
- Water chemistry
- Marine biology
- Shoreline*
- Topo-Bathy*
- Geology
- Hydro-physics (currents and
- Water column data
From Dawn's presentation
- Marine Boundaries
- Bathymetry
- Other Underway Geophysical - time,
position, sidescan, magnetics, gravity, seismics
- Derived grids
- Standard supporting data - sea
state, XBT, CTD, sea surface temperature and salinity, and derived sound
velocity profile (SVP), as well as calibration data for each sensor
- Images
- Locations of observations - Submersible, ROV,
Tracklines/Nav points
From California Marine Mapping User Group Meeting - data types needed for
pilot research on California marine protected areas
(list must be for answering a specific scientific question or hypothesis -
and that will inform the resolution of data needed)
- bathymetry
- marine plants
- substrate types
- substrate relief
- coastline
- species distribution abundance
- phys oceanography (water temp)
- terrestrial land-use and watersheds
- agency jurisdictions & regulations
- marine human use
- biogeographic regions (diff. from species distrib)
- water quality and turbidity
- land topography
- toxicology
- source input (e.g., sewage outfalls)
- catch data
- derivative habitat layer
- historic data
- existing study sites
- socioeconomic
From Pat and Eric ...
- fisheris
- fed/state DNR
-- MarineBio/Observatioins (species, biodiversity unit)
-- Managed areas (natural or human/legal)
- distribution
- biomass
- historic distribution
"analy.gif" - Steve's whiteboard draft of analysis diagrams
module 2
This may be redundant, but I am pretty certain this
is how it went down in the model
Other ArcGIS capabilities to exploit:
- extrusion of points in ArcScene
- horiz/vert slices of grids - stacks of grids
- ability to lay grids on their side and pretend that's the xy view? (x,z -
swapping z's for y's)
draft of model
- Physical oceanography
(currents) - Joe? Dawn?
- Ocean basemap / nav
chart (S57) - Jason or Simon
- Ocean floor
(bathymetry - Dawn can also add deep-towed vehicle observations (points)
- Marine mammal -
- MPA (managed areas) -
Draft 1
- analysis diagram
- map doc
- sample dB
- conceptual framework
-- broad fields of
study, how user community fits together and here is what we are focused on
(20-30 pp. max) - circles back analysis diagram and UML
b/c true 3-D does
not exist
tools not yet developed
2.5 D vs. 4-D - we are
trying to incorporate a place for the data while we are in expectation of tools
to come
- just us
trying to speak for the community
Clear acknowledgement of our partial user group
in the creation of this model
could segway to call for feedback and review
Pat's marine/coastal GIS
seminar this spring can help to test data
1st week Nov. for
conceptual framework document
- Group meeting, date
location, etc.
- Draft2
- mini projects
- UC presentation
**give them dates to
consider in February and April, for a workshop in Redlands???
use Forestry as a model
- Pat will take lead on
looking at crossovers on conservation side w/conservation/biodiversity
object doesn't have an
xy, feature does
(Joe: Great Notes Dawn!)