Archive for Geophysical Research - Implementing the Digital Archiving and Long-Term Preservation Framework
2006 Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting
March 7-11, 2006, Chicago, IL
The organization of AAGRUUK is comprised of linking distributed databases through the web via a portal that contains key information, links, and search engines maintained by people familiar with the data sets. The infrastructure uses MapServer and Storage Resource Broker software to identify and harvest data over the network. This presentation will describe the technical aspects of this infrastructure by reviewing the AAGRUUK example and the specific software components.
Though AAGRUUK is in its initial stages of development, the integrated bathymetric data for the Alaska margin has increased the coverage of any one individual dataset by several orders of magnitude showing strong potential for illuminating scientific investigations. It will be demonstrated how the technical infrastructure, including MapServer and Storage Resource Broker, has facilitated this process.
Keywords: web, database, map, Arctic, bathymetry